
TRUSTEE Constituency: Higher Education Career Counselors and Specialists (2024-26)

Deanna Knighton, M.Ed., MAB

Deanna Knighton is the Director of Career Advising and Professional Engagement in the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University. In addition to roles within higher education, her past career development work includes experience in the nonprofit, K-12, workforce development, and international education realms.

Deanna was the 2021 NCDA Conference Program Chair, collaborated to plan NCDA’s February 2020 Career Practitioner Institute, and has been an NCDA member since 2016. She has served as an officer with her state CDA, the North Carolina Career Development Association (NCCDA), as President-Elect, President, Past-President, Membership Co-Chair, and Secretary. She was NCCDA president during their transition to become an independent non-profit.

Deanna earned a Master of Education in Higher Education Administration from North Carolina State University and a Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Florida. She received a 2021 NCDA Presidential Recognition Award, led the NCCDA executive board to receive the 2020 NCDA Outstanding State Division Award, co-authored and received a 2020 NCDA Annual State Grant, and was awarded a 2016 NCCDA Best Practices Grant.


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